


Vitamin K2, also known as menaquinone, is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in various physiological functions in the body. The primary function of vitamin K2 is to regulate the body’s calcium metabolism. There are several forms of vitamin K2, with the two main types being MK-4 and MK-7. Bone Health: Vitamin K2

Vitamin A

Vitamin A

What is Vitamin A? Vitamin A, which is in the fat-soluble vitamin group, is also called retinol. Vitamin A is found in foods in two different forms. It is preformed in animal products such as meat and dairy products, while in plants Provitamin A (beta-carotene) is converted into vitamin A in the body. Approximately 8%

03-05 August MediPharm Fair

03-05 August MediPharm Fair

Our stand and products attracted great attention at MediPharm Expo 2023 Vietnam fair held between 03-05 August. Thank you to our valued participants for their interest. Contact us to meet with Loi Healthcare products.



What is Selenium? Selenium, derived from the Greek word “Selene”, which means “Moon” in Turkish, must be taken externally in order for the body to maintain its normal functions. This mineral, found in air, water, and soil, can be taken as a supplement to daily nutrition. Its main function in the human body is to

Beta Glucan

Beta Glucan

What is Beta Glucan? Beta glucan (β-glucan) is a water-soluble polysaccharide formed by the combination of glucose molecules, available from oat and barley grains as well as mushrooms. Beta glucans are also found in some bacteria and algae species. Beta glucans, which have effects on the immune system, also support intestinal health. What Does Beta



What Does Biotin Do? Biotin plays a role in many metabolic activities in the body, especially in energy formation metabolism. Although biotin is found in all tissues and organs, the organs most commonly found in the body are the kidneys and liver. In addition, biotin is a vitamin known for its benefits for hair and



What is Calcium? Calcium is a type of mineral that is one of the micronutrients needed for the continuation of life in all living things and humans. Calcium, which has a vital role in bone health, cannot be produced in the body, it is taken from outside with food and stored in the bone. A



What is Propolis? Propolis, also known as preboli or bee gum among beekeepers, is a product used by bees to sterilize the honeycombs in the hive, to protect the hive against insects, fungi and bacteria from the outside, and to repair and strengthen the honeycombs. In order to produce propolis, bees biochemically change the substances



What is Ginseng? Ginseng, which grows naturally in many Far East countries, especially in China and Korea, is a perennial herbaceous plant, usually 30-50 cm long, although it varies from species to species. The trunk is erect and unbranched, the roots are thicker and highly branched compared to the trunk. Every part of the plant



What is Omega-3? Omega-3 is the name given to a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids, also known as ω − 3 fatty acids or n − 3 fatty acids. Omega-3 is an important component of lipid metabolism in animals, that is, the conversion of fat into energy by the body and is widely found in

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