
Vitamin C

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, which is frequently considered, especially in the winter, is essential for human survival. Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that has many tasks. Most animals and plants can produce their own vitamin C from glucose. Since people cannot produce vitamin C, they have to get it from food.

Vitamin C absorption is higher if taken when the stomach is empty. For this reason, taking it 30 minutes before eating is the most ideal way to use it.

Vitamin C carries out the metabolic activities of the body in a healthy way. It is very important for a strong immune system and fitness.

Vitamin C is a type of water-soluble vitamin. It is stored in our body, and its excess is excreted with sweat and urine. There is no harm of taking it every day. However, occasionally, nausea and stomach cramps may occur when high doses of vitamin C are loaded into the body at once. It should not exceed the dose of 2000 mg per day. Exceeding this required upper limit can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Vitamin C strengthens the immune system. It has been found useful for individuals with weakened immune systems due to stress. With severe vitamin C deficiency, anemia, bleeding gums, and bruising of the skin may appear. In such cases, a slowdown in the healing of wounds may be observed. A skin disease called scurvy may appear.

  • Taking vitamin C supplements orally when sick does not prevent colds. However, there is evidence that when a cold occurs in individuals who regularly take vitamin C supplements, the disease persists for a shorter period of time, and the symptoms that appear during the course of the disease are less severe. However, starting vitamin C supplementation after the onset of a cold does not provide any benefit against such diseases.

Vitamin C is most commonly found in citrus products. It can also be taken orally as chewable tablets, capsules, or effervescent tablets. However, medical experts believe that vitamin C taken for its antioxidant properties does not provide the same benefits as antioxidants found naturally in foods. Cooking fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C with as little water as possible after a thorough cleaning, and leaving those that remain raw to eat will prevent vitamin C from being lost.


LOI Healthcare
